We can't build our way out of homelessness

24 September 2024
Presentation to Settled fINAL

Today’s (24 September 2024) figures released by Scottish Government, show a shocking 3,817 households spent time in temporary accommodation in Scotland’s capital – new research from homelessness prevention charity Cyrenians suggests this number could cost the local authority and other agencies as much as £88.8 million from presentation to when the household is found settled accommodation. 

The situation in the whole of Scotland – with a nation-wide housing emergency declared this year – is dire. But in Edinburgh, it is reaching crisis point with the average stay in temporary accommodation far outstripping the rest of the country, reaching an average of 507 days. 

As the number of households living in temporary accommodation – and the associated cost to local authorities – grows, our new research demonstrates that spending money on prevention is the fastest, most effective and cheapest way to address the housing emergency.   

Our new report, Presentation to Settled, found that it costs Edinburgh an average of £23,265 per household - from their presentation as homeless until they move in to settled accommodation. The calculation includes the costs of housing them in temporary accommodation and providing support.  

In contrast, it costs on average £2910 and takes an average of 18 weeks for Edinburgh Council’s Early Intervention Team to support households to maintain their tenancy, preventing them from going into temporary accommodation. This calculation was based on three case studies of households in varying circumstances. In several of the cases examined by the research, people were also able – with support – to start paying back rent arrears. This brought the average overall cost down to £29.  

Jules Oldham, the Owner and Director of Policy Scotland which authored this report said: "The findings show the squeeze placed on resources over the past few years. The Scottish Government declared a National Housing Emergency, and yet it is nowhere to be seen in the recent Programme for Government. So much emphasis has been placed on the upcoming Housing (Scotland) Bill to solve homelessness, but we need more than new legislation. We must place a long-term focus on preventing homelessness, in terms of a plan, resourcing, and good practice."  

Ewan Aitken, the Chief Executive of Cyrenians, said: “The evidence is stark, and tells us what we have known at Cyrenians for a long time - we cannot simply build our way out of the housing crisis.  

Temporary accommodation is unsuitable and costly – for the people living in it and for the council. We know, from several decades running services for people at risk of homelessness, that homelessness is not inevitable. It can be predicted and that means it can be prevented. Whilst there is a desperate need for more social housing, we must tackle the reasons why people become homeless in the first place.   

The right support at the right time, can keep people in their homes – which is a far better outcome than being forced to present as homeless. Behind the statistics published today are thousands of real people desperately relying on a system of support which is pushed to its limits. We need the Scottish Government to heavily invest in prevention services like ours – and Edinburgh Council’s Early Intervention Team – if we are going to tackle this problem.” 

Presentation to Settled fINAL
Presentation to Settled

Read the Report