Assertive Outreach
Working at the sharpest end of homelessness our assertive outreach service provides support to those currently experiencing homelessness, including people experiencing street homelessness and those in temporary accommodation.
We offer person-centred support, meaning that the individuals we are supporting shape the way we work together. By empowering people to make decisions about what they need, and how they are comfortable receiving that support, we are able to create long-term relationships with individuals who may have previously had negative experiences working with support services.
Our assertive outreach projects are:
- Navigator Project (recognised as best practice in Europe 2019, winner of "Inspiring Partnership" award from ECC 2023)
- Peer Worker programme

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There are many routes into homelessness and through our assertive outreach work we provide the support necessary to help people move into more stable and healthier living situations. For some, this may be moving into the private rented sector, for others it’s about building confidence engaging with services throughout Edinburgh such as a GP or bank. Our approach is flexible, patient and there are no time limits – our only goal is to build a trusted relationship that allows each individual who works with us to begin making choices about their next step.
Our outreach team often engage with other services and organisations on behalf of those we support. We work collaboratively with services where possible, and are always keen to explore news ways of working that most benefit those experiencing homelessness.