Green Skills Centre

Our Green Skills Centre is an outdoor learning environment for young people currently unsupported by the mainstream education system and traditional career pathways. Through building connections to our natural spaces, and encouraging connections to the wider community we offer young people the space to grow and find their own path forwards.

Space to Grow June Campaign 11

Over 8 acres of land, including a working market garden, we host a range of green skills, wellbeing, and outdoor learning activities. For those who want to, we also have a range of accredited courses available.

All our activities are delivered in a trauma-informed and person-centred way. Whilst we recognise the value of accreditation and practical skills, we also believe in the importance of building trusted relationships to help ‘break the cycle’ and provide space for each person who engages with our Green Skills Centre to grow in confidence, improve their wellbeing and find a purpose for their future.

“The work at the farm has the edge of being geared towards employability and skill sharing. It’s not all about jobs and college - often that’s the driver, but it’s about broader development and skills and starting people on their journeys towards things like accreditation, jobs and college. The impact that the Green Skills Centre can have on young people depends on where they’re starting from. I’ve seen people build their confidence up, I’ve seen people improve their sleep hygiene and mental health. So it means lots of different things to lots of different people. "

Sam Gardiner - Outdoor Education Officer, Green Skills Centre

Green Skills Workshops

Workshops, training and courses

Over the past two years, thanks to major support from the Wolfson Foundation, the Clothworkers’ Foundation and the Craignish Trust we have been able to improve and develop our outdoor learning spaces and facilities – including the creation of a new outdoor kitchen.

These spaces have allowed us to develop new courses connecting people with nature, fostering personal development, and improving employability opportunities.

Our courses include:

  • Forest and Outdoor Learning (woodland skills, land stewardship, conservation)
  • Environmental Horticulture (regenerative and organic growing methods, seasonality, sustainability and the climate crisis)
  • Wellbeing programme (nature connection, minfulness, sit-sports, art and nature, drumming/rhythm sessions) 

Including introduction sessions to:

  • Health and Safety awareness
  • Peer mentoring and talking circles
  • Market Gardening (with a seasonal learning element) including propagation, growing herbs, flowers, fruit and vegetables, orchards, bees and pollinators. 
  • Bushcraft, woodcraft and fire making - including water filtration, protenteering, knots, building shelters, foraging, tree/plant and animal ID, learning about wood and safe campfire management, tool use and making things from wood.
  • ‘Field-to-Fork’ - growing, harvesting, food preparation, cooking skills and eating together.
  • Art in nature and land art, willow-weaving and plant supports. 

Flowers Polytunnel

We work with our funding partners (Robertson Trust and Gannochy Trust), local authorities (City of Edinburgh and West Lothian Councils), schools and other partners to deliver a range of opportunities designed to meet the needs of different groups.

We can tailor all our courses in delivery style, length and content to work for those who access our learning through the PEF (pupil equity fund) framework. 

Interested in learning more about our upcoming courses, or how to get involved? Contact us at or 0131 333 5202.

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