Michelle Lloyd
Director of Services (she/her)

Michelle Lloyd
Director of Services (she/her)
Michelle joined Cyrenians in July 2017, not least because she shares our vision of an inclusive society where we respect diversity and all have opportunities to realise our full potential.
As a member of the Leadership Team, Michelle has responsibility for providing strategic direction and leadership for the whole organisation, with a particular focus on Cyrenians’ work with Families, Learning & Work, Justice and Health & Wellbeing.
Prior to joining Cyrenians she worked for MECOPP (Minority Ethnic Carers of People Project) where, amongst other things, she initiated the award-winning Gypsy/Traveller Programme. From 2017 – 2019 she also worked as a Special Advisor to the Women and Equalities Select Committee at the House of Commons.
With an educational background in Social Anthropology, Michelle’s employment experience, in Scotland and overseas, has been varied - working for Save the Children, the University of Glasgow and Health in Mind. She loves working with, and learning from, people from all walks of life. Whilst at Cyrenians she’s come to realise that she has been using relationship-based approaches for over three decades, recognising that trust is key in any relationship. Michelle is passionate about promoting diversity, tackling inequalities and a strong supporter of using the creative arts as research, advocacy and wellbeing tools.